On December 3, we signed a tripartite Memorandum of Cooperation between the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, the public organization "Center for Support of Public Activity" Wings "and our institute. The memorandum aims to unite the efforts of partners and exchange experiences in the field of domestic tourism development and management of protected areas. This is a new direction of the institute, which began with the opening of our "School of Guides". The school has been operating since October of this year as a free choice of students, and its first students got acquainted with the organization of excursions, determined the psychological features of the guide, mastered the basics of rhetoric and public speaking, identified possible "tourist magnets" Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The next two days - December 4 and 5 - worked with students of the "School" Associate Professor of Educational Methodology for Sustainable Development of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management NV Gudkova, who conducted a training seminar on the interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. The seminar was organized at two locations - in the classroom and in the exhibition center of the Bakhmut Museum of Local Lore, where he met with the head of the workshop "Oberig" SA Kravchenko. The rich and very useful seminar ended with presentations of the objects chosen by the listeners, among which were elements of Ukrainian national clothes, an ancient iron and others. The participants of the seminar received the relevant certificates. 

The work of the "School of Guides" will be continued in the coming years, it is a new step in the development of entrepreneurial competence of students and graduates of the institute.

Vladislav Wanda