Discover Chess with ESC project

Discover Chess with ESC project

To see the world is everyone's dream. How many new and beautiful things our planet hides. How many countries in the world - so many unknowns, roads and discoveries.

Each culture is unique in its customs and traditions; by getting to know them, we get the opportunity to get to know other people better. And all this arouses curiosity, fascinates and attracts us. The developed system of transport allows to overcome huge distances in a few hours. The whole world is open to man, and travel is no longer just a dream for all of us.

Our student of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Studies Anastasia Reuka (232 gr.) Returned from Turkey. Let us remind you that Nastya took part in the Discover Chess with ESC project, which took place in Turkey. This event is related to chess skills, encourages young people to behave better with the help of chess. 

"I am just beginning my journey as a traveler, and I still have a lot to discover. From each of my trips I bring not only impressions, but also souvenirs and photos, which later remind me of a fun and interesting time.

I want to emphasize that, in my opinion, every student should get such an experience.

I was very worried about the session, I tried to combine volunteering and training. We were assigned a very good mentor who did not move away from us one step. We visited various schools, colleges, kindergartens, universities. We met new people, developed a game of chess among children. It was very interesting to play with them, interesting to watch them.

In the evenings we talked to our volunteer friends and learned more and more about the culture of the country.

This project socialized me, improved my willpower, and made many good friends.

I hope there will be many more projects in my life and many more journeys await me. "

Vladislav Wanda