Meeting of the Academic Council

Meeting of the Academic Council

The December meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute began with celebrations.

Thus, gratitude from the director and gifts from colleagues for many years of fruitful work in the field of education - 45 years, 35 of them - in GIIM - received a senior lecturer in the German language department of German Philology Victoria Nikolaevna Vryukalo (graduate of Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages in 1981).

The winners of the "Scientist of 2021" contest were announced.

The best scientists of the year were awarded diplomas:

1st place - Arkhipova IM, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of German Philology (685 points);

2nd place - Dokashenko GP, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History (666 points);

3rd place - Dokashenko VM, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History (597 points).

Among the winners according to the rating indicators of scientific activity were the winners in the following nominations:

"Young scientist" (the best scientist of the year, not older than 35 years, who has the highest number of points on the "Rating indicators of scientific work") - Yefimov DV, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods.

"Breakthrough of the Year" (the best scientist of the year, who has the largest difference in scores on the "Rating indicators of scientific work" for the past and current years) - Arkhipova IM, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of German Philology. 

 "Youth Mentor" (the best scientist of the year who has the highest number of points for guiding the scientific work of applicants) - Nestoruk NA, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods.

Young trainee teachers were also thanked. They received advice from professional teachers.

We sincerely congratulate all colleagues on their achievements!

We wish them creative inspiration, inspiration, strength and energy for further research. New discoveries and unsurpassed scientific achievements! May the basis of fruitful professional activity be good health and luck, inspired thought and support of relatives!

The meeting of the Academic Council continued to discuss the agenda.

Vladislav Wanda