History Week in a new format

History Week in a new format

History Week was scheduled to start on March 28… However, February 24 was a day that divided the lives of citizens of Ukraine and the world into "before" and "during". Hybrid threats and means of counteracting them, which were actively studied by the participants of the project "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats", turned into a full-scale convention war. As a result, in the 21st century, we have the second Heavenly Hundred. This time Children's. Cities and villages of our Ukraine are on fire, our military and civilians are dying. The war became a test for everyone and everything: theories and practices, governments and public organizations, for everyone.

We continue to work, we hold History Week in a new format. We invite colleagues, students, all friends of the institute to visit the photo site "Ukraine known and unknown", which is located on the website of the institute (http://uvin.forlan.org.ua), along with links to Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The creation of the photo site was the result of the grant program "Facts from the History of Donbass" within the large all-Ukrainian project "Learn and Distinguish: Info-Media Literacy", implemented by the Research and Exchange Council with the support of British and US Embassies in partnership with the Ministry of Education and of Science of Ukraine and the Academy of Ukrainian Press.

The main task of the program was to study unknown or hidden pages of the region's history, debunk myths and refute stereotypes, counteract misinformation about the past and present of Donbass through visual acquaintance with historical monuments of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The site presents photos of cultural monuments of Donbass with accompanying text, including an audio recording.

We consider this photo site as the first step towards creating a gallery of historical and cultural monuments of all regions of Ukraine, which was studied during more than a decade of work on "Historical and cultural monuments of the Ukrainian province: exploratory and research aspects." We truly thank the administration for resolving the issue of the location of the photo site on the university-wide website. We hope for activity in visiting the photo site and look forward to its support.

Also on the institute's website in the "Science" section (http://edu.forlan.org.ua/?page_id=811) posted a model of a new issue of the collection of scientific works "Faces of History". This is the next, twelfth issue of our collection, the publication of which began in 2008. The basis of the collection was the materials of the fifth All-Ukrainian (with international participation) scientific-practical conference, initiated by the Department of Domestic and Foreign History, "Regionalism in the Civilization Dimension: Directed Prospects for Progress." According to the organizers, it was a logical continuation of the four previous conferences, which took place under the title "Bakhmut antiquity: local lore research."

Adjustment of the direction of the study is due to the desire to implement the proposals of the participants of previous forums to expand the range of issues for discussion through the expansion of other areas of humanities. The plenary session and seven sectional sessions were attended by more than 80 scholars, teachers, teachers, applicants for higher education at various levels and others interested in local lore.

The conference participants represented the scientific and educational communities of many regions of Ukraine, as well as Estonia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. An important aspect of this year's conference was the separation of two sections, the materials of which reflect the results of the conference organizers' participation in international projects - "Academic Counteraction to Hybrid Threats" and "Learn and Distinguish: Information Media Literacy - National Deployment".

The editorial board of the collection (editor-in-chief - Professor VM Dokashenko) got acquainted with the submitted materials and recommended for publication about twenty articles that have passed the procedure of "blind" review. For the first time, readers were offered a column with materials for practical application in educational institutions, because the conference has a practical focus. The opinions and ideas expressed during the conference, which were supported by the majority of participants, allow us to make some generalizations and conclusions: the level of development of the regions has become an important factor in the progress of civilization; global progress consists of the sum of successful regional centers; The world's biggest problems, including overcoming the effects of coronavirus, can only be solved through joint efforts.

So, we invite everyone to the History Week in a new format.

Vladislav Wanda