Days of French and Spanish

Days of French and Spanish

The Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages is a multilingual educational space where any creative vision for the study of foreign languages is approved.

At the Department of French and Spanish it has become a tradition to hold French and Spanish days in March-April every year.

Today, the French language is one of the world's most popular objects of study. This language is used by almost 200 million people. It was in this beautiful and very expressive and rich language that Voltaire, Diderot, Hugo, Dumas, Balzac, Rabelais, Zola, Jacob, Apollinaire, Pompidou, Camus G spoke and wrote - and only French can preserve and convey all the subtleties of their immortal works.

Our students have always been actively involved in events dedicated to the International Day of Francophonie. This year it was suggested to send a second, classmate greetings in the spring in French. Students of 2-3 courses actively joined this event.

In order to promote the French language in our region, students studying French as a second foreign language, supported the initiative of teachers of the Department of French and Spanish on a monthly digest of great figures of France.

The first digest, dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the birth of the famous French romanticist writer, politician and public figure Victor Marie Hugo, was due out on February 26.

But, unfortunately, life has made its adjustments. Therefore, the first digest, prepared by a student of the 242 b group of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication, Fedchun Kateryna, came out late, which does not detract from its main purpose. We thank Kateryna Fedchun for the implementation of the joint initiative. We hope for its continuation.

April 23 is the International Day of the Spanish Language. The International Day of the Spanish Language was established by the United Nations in 2010 to promote the equal use of all six official languages of the United Nations. The date of the celebration was set by the UN on the day of commemoration of the death of Miguel Cervantes, from whose pen the novel "The Wise Hidalgo Don Quixote of the English Channel" was published.

Spanish is the most popular foreign language studied in the United States. It is also the most commonly understood language in the Western Hemisphere, which is native to Patagonia and New York. In addition, in the United States and Brazil, 10 million people are fluent in Spanish as a second language.

This year, until April 23, students of 2-3 courses offered to shoot videos in Spanish and combine them with the theme "Spring, Peace".

So, we hope that holding days of French and Spanish not only deepens knowledge of foreign languages, but also becomes a source of positive emotions, mobilization of creative efforts, as a result, increases motivation to learn the language and culture of another country.

Vladislav Wanda