Department of Psychology FSMK: working days of martial law

Department of Psychology FSMK: working days of martial law

Days of testing for the whole country are going on. Everyone works in their place and has their own front: to do what they have to do sincerely and selflessly. In the conditions of wartime the employees of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of GIIM in a single system persistently continue their professional activity.

The training courses provided by the educational-professional program "Practical Psychology" are becoming more and more important and new practical content.

Practical classes in the disciplines "Psychological assistance to persons in crisis situations" and "Psychology of extreme situations" (Associate Professor, Ph.D. Psychologist Gritsuk OV), "Fundamentals of psychological counseling" (senior teacher, Ph.D. Razumova OG), "Psychological assistance to persons at risk" (Associate Professor, Ph.D. Drozdova DS), "Modern technologies of rehabilitation psychology" (Associate Professor, Ph.D. Reznikova O Reznikova) .A.) Are even more focused on mastering specific methods of psychological assistance in situations of uncertainty, life-threatening and prolonged stress. This causes some current restructuring of the methodology of practical classes. So, for example, during the mastering of "Fundamentals of professional self-improvement" (Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. Psychologist Drozdova DS) and the teacher and students together perform exercises to overcome stress, balancing their own condition. Strengthening internal reserves makes it possible to be useful to the environment, gives strength to work on the profession while still studying, to implement the acquired professional skills, helping everyone who needs it now.

Here are some exercises that we recommend using in an emotionally difficult situation.

And we also want to share with you the creativity of students in the process of performing exercises to stabilize the emotional state.

Vyacheslav Korolev