I'm in Germany

I'm in Germany

Germany is one of the most developed countries in the world and Western Europe. It is located in the center of Europe and borders Poland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria and Denmark. In Germany, tourists are waiting for attractions and monuments of centuries-old culture: castles and palaces, churches and monasteries, ancient cities with fortress walls, gates and towers, with old houses on romantic streets.

Valeria Belyaeva, a student of group 100 A, shares her life story with us.

"I am now in Chemnitz, Germany. I live in a hotel, without a residence permit, at the expense of my parents. Thanks to my studies at the institute and my knowledge of German, I help to translate information when shopping and moving around the city. This country has different orders, a different mentality and different people. Distinguish Germans politeness and decency, love of cleanliness and order. And these are not just positive qualities of the nation, but inseparable features of German society striving for perfection. Adhering to etiquette, the Germans show great respect for their national traditions. This is a very good example, and many have something to learn from them. But I really want to go home, where everything is familiar and familiar.

At the moment, I have only one goal - to protect and support my family. I don't feel very well, but I try to hold on for my mother and brother. My father is now defending the borders of our country. Ukraine will definitely win, and then we will be able to return to our homeland. "

Vyacheslav Korolev