I am proud to live in the village

I am proud to live in the village

A student of 221 gr. Tells us about rural life. Maria Pavlova.

"I live in a village in the Chernivtsi region. Fair? I enjoy life here, except for thoughts about my hometown and dear people…

I like everything: nature, people, buildings, food and language (which is really interesting for any philologist). I am especially interested in the dialect of the people who live in this village, borrowed words and the general style of the language. Here I learned many new Ukrainian words-dialectisms, for example: "roskal" is a kind of shovel used to dig a garden; "To gather" means to rake, to stack in one place, "day" is a day. Different words have completely different shades and meanings, for example, "grandma" is our Easter cake, and "Easter" is ordinary white bread, only the dough is laid out festively.

The speech of the residents here is very fast, close to Moldavian with shades of Romanian and Polish.

 It is interesting that people here do not speak exclusively pure Ukrainian, which we used to speak; they are interested and amazed that people from the east can communicate very well with our nightingale. They even ask us to speak Ukrainian to listen to the literary language. They say: "Only from you can we hear the pure Ukrainian language." At gas stations, in cafes, in shops - everywhere we are complimented.

About nature? Well, trees bloom everywhere here, the fragrances of which permeate the whole village; the birds sing extremely well, and because of this you wake up easily in the morning. Here I saw a turkey for the first time, I had the opportunity to observe how chickens behave and how a cow should be milked in the end; and I learned to draw water from a well.

 We live with a large family in a small house, nine of us; we have seven cats, by the way, they get along very well with each other.

Every day I go for a walk on the local lake and watch the storks, they are very frequent visitors.

Here it seems as if there is no war, as if all is well; however, sitting in silence, you realize that everything that is said in the news is happening with your country, with your city… with you. 

I have always dreamed of visiting the west of Ukraine, it was supposed to be the most beautiful event of this year… But… not under such circumstances… »

Vyacheslav Korolev