An unusual city of the Dnieper

An unusual city of the Dnieper

Student of our institute Demyanenko Veronica, gr. 131, shares with us the story of his life.

"If I was offered to move to one of the cities of our country, I would no doubt choose the Dnieper, because I lived here before and I can say with confidence that this city is beautiful. I really wanted to come back here. Get on the tram again, go to the park, buy coffee… But I could not imagine that I would return under such circumstances.

February 24

The war came into our lives and turned it upside down. As for everyone, the first days were the hardest for me. I still remember waking up. Mom walks around the apartment, going to work, and I'm glad I can sleep more, because there are 2 hours left before the start of the couple. And then my mother runs into the room and says: “Veronica, they shot at night. You're going to work with me! ”

As we rode in the vehicle, everyone around us discussed what had happened. As I approached my mother's work, I heard explosions, and I became hysterical.

We began to slowly gather things to run to the basement. And on the third day we really sat in the basement.

The days went by and the news only got worse. It was scary to turn on the internet and read the news every day.

April 8

We decided to leave. And the question arose: "Where?". We considered almost all cities of Ukraine. And still stopped at a city that is familiar to us from conversations.

It was very difficult. We changed housing three times. Almost every day they went to draw up documents or visited humanitarian aid points. And what a surprise it was when I felt a very good attitude towards the settlers. People will always help and tell you where, what and how.

Now we have settled in the 3rd apartment, where we will live for now.

Here I met a very large number of people who became very close to me, with whom I can meet and forget for a while about what is happening in the country.

If I were asked if anything had changed in my life, the answer would be: “Yes, of course, my life has changed. And, probably, the most important thing - I have changed. I began to appreciate time, moments, people… And losses… all of the above… ».

No matter how good it is here, I still miss my home, my university, my room, my bed, my loved ones.

I want to go home. Wake up to the alarm clock, go to the university, before that go to the ATB and take a bottle of water and a bar. Then sit in pairs in German, and after them go out with friends and discuss various topics. Then go home, go for a walk with a friend.

Everything that is happening in our country has helped us to pay attention to the things that we overlooked in peacetime.

I know everything will be fine, I know we will all return home. We just have to wait until the war is over. "

Vyacheslav Korolev