Ukrainian embroidered shirt is our national amulet!

Ukrainian embroidered shirt is our national amulet!

Ukrainian embroidered shirt is a national shrine. It is the embroidered shirt that symbolizes and carries the spiritual wealth, high wisdom and traditional connection of many generations. Ukrainian national shirts are unique, they reflect the character of their people. It is a symbol of strength, beauty, prosperity and unity. This is our national amulet.

Ukrainian Embroidery Day is supported in more than 50 countries around the world. When the celebration of the Day of Embroidery began, no one set a goal to make it grow on a global scale. Therefore, it was a pleasant surprise when in 2014 our holiday went beyond our country and became the World Embroidery Day. Last year, 38 countries supported the holiday. 

Our native institute of foreign languages also has its own tradition of celebrating the day of embroidery. On this day, students, teachers, staff wear embroidered clothes. Solemn thematic events take place. In previous years, in particular, there were culinary and dance battles, sports competitions, workshops, photo zones, songs and many other interesting things. This year we did not ignore this tradition.

Dear friends! The Department of Ukrainian Philology invites everyone to join the flashmob on Facebook "Born in embroidered shirts - born to be free!".

Let's unite, dear INYAZIVTSY!

Copy hashtags, add photos in embroidered shirts (year does not matter).

May this holiday erase borders and unite Ukrainians around the world.

Vyacheslav Korolev