Meeting with the President of Ukraine

Meeting with the President of Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held a three-hour online meeting with students from 23 Ukrainian universities. On May 19, the leaders and students of our institute joined this event at a joint location, which brought together participants from the Dnieper National University. O. Honchar and two relocated institutions - Horlivka University and East Ukrainian National University. V. Dahl.

The participation of young people in the post-war development of the country, the continuation of reforms in education, the problems of migrant students, the presidential program "Student Dormitory" - and many other relevant issues for student youth were at the center of lively discussion. Addressing the youth, the President noted: “Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has been going on for three months now. After eight years of war in the Donbass. This war for us now, of course, is a war for independence. We can say that this is a postponed war. Postponed for 30 years, given how we gained independence in 1991. Or for hundreds of years, given the previous history of our great power.

I have no doubt that we will win independence. And it will be in our history the same as in other countries that fought for independence and won. Who ceased to be petitioners and became subjects. The real masters of their lives and their future. "

Inspired by the incredible atmosphere of the exchange of views with the Guarantor of our State and our peers and like-minded people, we were once again convinced of the indifference of the President and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, despite the difficult wartime, to the problems of educators and students.

We sincerely wish our defenders, who are approaching our dream future, unshakable on the way to Ukraine's victory!

Learning - we win!

Vyacheslav Korolev