Attention entrants!

Attention entrants!

Dear friends!

From May 25 to May 29, 2022, the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication will conduct live broadcasts for entrants in the social network INSTAGRAM on the page "entrant" on psychological support of school leavers during exams and choosing a university for further study.

Psychological assistance to graduates during the exams involves, above all, stress prevention and adjustment of the mental sphere of the student to the exam process (testing). The biggest problem in such situations is our anxiety. A hormone that is released when a person experiences fear, anxiety, affects the performance of memory and thought processes. Excessive amounts of fear hormone in the body may be the reason that some students in exams completely forget the material studied.

Psychological support is one of the most important factors that determine the success of the entrant during the exams. Therefore, for your success, we advise you not to miss a series of live broadcasts.

Topics of conversation:

  • How to overcome the fear of the exam;
  • How to navigate in a situation that is constantly changing;
  • Peculiarities of joining the Free Economic Zone in 2022, etc.

We invite you to meetings!

INSTAGRAM broadcasts at 16.00

@graduate_hifl  or  @practicalpsychology_hifl

Air topic 1 (Wednesday, May 25, 2022): How to overcome excessive anxiety before the exam

Air theme 2 (Thursday, May 26, 2022): How to support yourself in a situation of uncertainty

Air theme 3 (Monday, May 29, 2022): Features of the entry in 2022

Vyacheslav Korolev