International Children's Day is celebrated in Ukraine on June 1. The day was introduced in order to draw attention to the problems of observing the rights and health of the child. In our country, the date has been approved as a holiday since 1998 (the decree was signed on May 30, 1998), although the day was celebrated for the first time in 1950 in 51 countries of the world. And it was started by the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women in 1949 in Paris. Already in 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child appeared from the United Nations, which proclaimed the equal rights of children in the field of upbringing, education, social security, physical and spiritual development, regardless of skin color, nationality, social origin, property status, etc.

On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is considered the world constitution for children. Ukraine ratified the convention on September 27, 1991, and since then this document has been part of national legislation.

Here is a short history of a very important holiday. There are dates, there are documents, there are declarations, approvals, funds, officials, resolutions, measures... And there are children of Ukraine whose happy childhood ended on February 24, 2022. Orphaned children, migrant children, refugee children... For many of them, this world has become gloomy, unfriendly, colorless. These children are not our problem, no! They are our primary task, unceasing work, a difficult but real future, which can be corrected by the joint efforts of teachers, psychologists, and parents.

On February 24 of this year, an event organized by Inyazu students - members of the literary and artistic club "LITERA" was supposed to take place in the reading room of the central library of the city of Bakhmut. Everyone is so tired of quarantine restrictions! The participants carefully prepared for the first performance, and the guests gladly accepted the invitation to the celebration. Poems were studied, photos were printed, presentations were prepared, scripts were written, presenters promised not to worry... But the morning of February 24 destroyed our plans. 

Of course, and this cannot be doubted, the literary and artistic club "LITERA" will resume its work, will hold many meetings and exhibitions of its artistic works. And as long as the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages works in Dnipro, we do our best to help immigrant children find bright colors for each new day. And if our exhibition works, printed in black and white colors for the "Game by the Rule" project, will be painted by children's "crippled babies" - we will be happy! The idea behind the "Game by the Rule" project is an attempt to represent children's experiences through the prism of artistic creativity. Art therapy participants, immigrants from Popasnaya, Lysychansk, Kostyantynivka, Bakhmut, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Mariupol, worked with black and white photos of landscapes of Donbas and Dnipro. And they found paints to make these photos colorful! So, let's believe in the wonderful future of Ukraine and let every child have a happy childhood!

Vyacheslav Korolev