It is never too late to learn and improve yourself

It is never too late to learn and improve yourself

The ancient Greek sage Socrates said, "I know I know nothing." At first glance, absurd words hide their deep meaning. The meaning of this statement is very simple: the more a person knows, the less his own knowledge seems to him.

We are used to the fact that the student age is 18-25 years. But modern trends refute this established view. It is never too late to learn. You can get a higher education in middle age.

Olga Bocharova is currently studying at the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages. She is a recipient of the Secondary Education (History) educational program. She already has a secondary specialty, works as a medical worker in one of the institutions in Bakhmut. However, she decided to get a higher education at our institute. Olga entered the Faculty of Social and Language Communication in correspondence department. Combines learning with work and household chores.

The student is proud of her university. She says that she did not make a mistake in her choice and confidently acquires professional competencies.

GIIM teachers in their lectures meaningfully and interestingly explain, at first glance, very complex material. Despite the workload, family, Olga finds time for self-preparation for future classes during the next session. When she becomes a student again, she feels young again and full of energy and plans for the future.

Vyacheslav Korolev