History in literature: a topical study by scientists of the institute

History in literature: a topical study by scientists of the institute

In this difficult time for all of us, everyone is gaining glory for Ukraine on their front. We continue the review of the publications of our scientists in scientometric publications indexed in the Web of Science.

Recently, the Romanian scientific publication "Postmodern Openings" published an article by a team of scientists of the institute headed by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor T. M. Marchenko "The Artistic Modeling of History in the Aesthetic Consciousness of a Time Period as a Methodological Problem of Postmodernism" (" Artistic modeling of history in the aesthetic consciousness of the period as a methodological problem of postmodernism. Also, co-authors of the scientific work were Dr. Philol. n., prof. S. A. Komarov, Candidate of Philology. Ph.D., Assoc. Skuropat M. Yu., candidate of philology. Ph.D., Assoc. I. O. Sklyar, Ph.D. Ph.D., Assoc. Belytska E. M.

In the work, the researchers prove that art history embodies not only a set of individual author's creative acts - it acts as a single "art-historical model" determined by a number of objective factors. Art history is an integral part of the national picture of the world. Its research requires the use of combinatorial unity of methods. The authors of the article offer a set of modern methodological principles for studying the processes of artistic modeling of history in aesthetic consciousness at the synchronous level (certain time period) and their representation in literary works. The methods of academic literary studies are combined with the scientific positives of modern interdisciplinary humanities, which are based on postmodern philosophy. In the chosen combination of scientific approaches, the heuristic potential of structural-semiotic and structural-typological methods, mythopoetics and myth-restoration, imagology, hermeneutics and receptive aesthetics correlates with the methods of systematic and descriptive analysis. The results of the published research can be useful in teaching practice, in particular, in the courses "Artistic reception of history in world literature", "Modern literary process: the main trends of development", "Basics of imagery", "Interpretation of artistic text", "Ukrainian culture in the conditions multi-ethnic society", "Cinema and literature: poetics of interaction".

Vladislav Wanda