The first summer school of the MultiEd project "Yuriy Lotman and semiotics of culture: culture, text, translation, new media, cultural memory, semiosphere"

The first summer school of the MultiEd project "Yuriy Lotman and semiotics of culture: culture, text, translation, new media, cultural memory, semiosphere"

From July 5 to 15, 2022, the first summer school of the Erasmus+ MultiEd project "Yuri Lotman and Semiotics of Culture: Culture, Text, Translation, New Media, Cultural Memory, Semiosphere" was held at the University of Tartu (Estonia). Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages was represented by Lyudmila Suhovetska, associate professor of the Department of Germanic Philology.

This trip took place within the framework of the implementation of the European Union Erasmus+ KA2 program "Development of the potential of training foreign language teachers as a way to introduce multilingual education and European integration of Ukraine / MultiEd".

During their studies, participants from the universities of Poltava, Zaporizhzhia, Cherkassy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Bakhmut (Dnipro) attended lectures and seminars by teachers of the Department of Semiotics of the University of Tartu, where they discussed current issues of modern science: the development of Yuri Lotman's ideas of culture semiotics, cultural memory and modern culture, semiotics of space and city, semiotics of translation, transmediality in culture, digital semiosphere, ecosemiotics. The educational program was organically combined with a diverse cultural program, which included visits to museums (art museum of the University of Tartu, Estonian National Museum, research interactive museum), a quest-excursion along Lotman's paths, viewing a documentary film about the life and work of Y. Lotman, participation in a master- notebook-making classes in the premises of an old printing house, a trip on an old boat. 

The practical part of the internship was the preparation of a methodological manual using the subject-language integrated learning (CLIL) method for the course "Language, culture, society" based on the syllabus developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 "MultiEd" project. Meetings of the working group involved discussion of the structure of the publication and its content.

The organization of the trip took place on the initiative and with the support of the project managers of the Narva College of the University of Tartu (Estonia) Oleksandra Golovko and Christian Klauks, as well as the head of the international cooperation department of the institute Maryna Shkuropat.

In order to spread the results of the "MultiEd" project and the Internationalization Strategy of the State Technical University of the Russian Academy of Sciences "DDPU", trainee Lyudmila Suhovetska will hold open events for teachers and the administration of the University, during which she will present the results of her visit to Estonia.

Vladislav Wanda