Dear entrants to the master's level for the OP "Practical Psychology" at the GIIIM!

Dear entrants to the master's level for the OP "Practical Psychology" at the GIIIM!

We inform you that during September 7-10 will be held additional session of the master's test of educational competence (MTNK) for entrants who were registered to pass MTNK, but for good reasons could not participate in the main session of the entrance test or complete the test during the main session of the entrance test.

Entrants who could not participate in the main session of MTNK, to participate in the additional session have from August 22 to 26 including submit statement ( regarding participation in the additional session to the regional center for evaluating the quality of education, on the territory of which the educational institution that registered the entrant for the main session is located.

Entrants who did not complete the test during the main session of MTNK, to participate in the additional session have a duration three calendar days from the day of the main session of the entrance test, submit an application to the relevant regional center.

Until September 3 will be posted in the electronic offices of the participants of the entrance exams for the master's degree invitation to participate in an additional session.

We wish everyone success!

Vladislav Wanda