Departments of psychology - 30

Departments of psychology - 30

Congratulations to teachers, winners, graduates of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Language Communication, friends, colleagues, partners, stakeholders on the 30th anniversary of the department!

Today, despite the difficulties, the department fruitfully and purposefully continues to work on improving the provision of services for obtaining higher education, constantly increases the level of personnel support, promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge and provides psychological support.

We wish the staff of the department firmness of spirit, unrestrained scientific research, far-sightedness in plans, new victories and important achievements. I wish you fruitful success in the field of education, good health, happiness, joy, good and clean, peaceful sky above your head. May harmony, mutual understanding and a creative atmosphere always prevail in your team. Longevity to you, prosperity, creative flights for the benefit of our sovereign Ukraine!

And on the eve of the big holiday Protection of the Holy Mother of God, may this wonderful holiday bring love and light to your families, sincerity and kindness to each other! Gives hope and confidence in tomorrow, settles peace in hearts, strengthens faith and nourishes the soul. We wish you peace, excellent health, family comfort, constant success and the fulfillment of all your plans!


Vladislav Wanda