Week of psychology at GIIIM. Webinar "Calm in Uncertainty"

Week of psychology at GIIIM. Webinar "Calm in Uncertainty"

So imagine if you plan to cook dumplings for dinner, but you are not sure that your partner will like it. And maybe it's better to cook soup? But will your children be delighted with it? So what should you cook to please everyone? These are examples of everyday uncertainties, but do we worry about them that much?

However, when there are many such uncertainties, and they are global, there is a cumulative effect and it becomes increasingly difficult to cope with them. Tranquility becomes our resource and tool in living with and tolerating uncertainty.

At the webinar, we looked at the different meanings of today's important concepts and learned how to practically choose for ourselves exactly the means of relaxation that are effective in each specific situation for each individual person.

Vladislav Wanda