Autumn scientific studies

Autumn scientific studies

In the field of social and educational sciences, a number of articles by young scientists have been published and indexed in international scientometric publications.

Thus, in the study "Organization of independent work of students of higher pedagogical universities of Ukraine by means of Moodle" an analysis of the Moodle platform was made as an innovative element of educational and pedagogical strategy and methodical content for independent training of students. The study revealed the reorientation of Moodle from an auxiliary element to an alternative format in the organization of independent work of student teachers. The results of the work were published by a group of authors, among whom is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists D.V. Efimov. The work is indexed in the "International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security" / "International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security».

The results of another collective study with the participation of Dmytro Volodymyrovych "Social and pedagogical factors of management in the educational space" were published in the Armenian publication "Wisdom". The article examines socio-pedagogical factors of management in the educational space as a need and social necessity. Emphasis is placed on the natural endowment with the desire to control the power of all living organisms before considering management as a peculiar reaction of the individual to the demands of the social structure. It was established that the process has a psychological and social nature, that is, it is carried out in society in a managerial way and according to certain state standards.

In the international publication "Amazonia Investiga", which supports the policy of an open and free society, the article "Research of students' perceptions of the real and expected image of the university's corporate culture" is indexed. Among the authors of the article is Doctor of Philosophy O.G. Razumova The scientists came to the conclusion that students' perceptions of current and expected images of corporate university culture are related to the parameters of social expectations and establish students' self-regulatory readiness for future professional activities.

The great mission of education aimed at shaping the worldview and culture of a person was once again emphasized. We wish the young scientists further interesting explorations!

Vladislav Wanda