Attention full-time students (budget)

Attention full-time students (budget)

According to the "Procedure for forming the rating of students' success for awarding academic scholarships at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University":

  • in order to calculate the component of participation in scientific activity when forming a rating score for the appointment of an academic scholarship, please provide information on the main scientific achievements for the 1st semester of 2022-2023. in the department of scientific work until 10 January 2023 by e-mail address:
  • to calculate the component of participation in social activities when forming a rating score for the appointment of an academic scholarship, please 10 January 2023 to provide information on the main achievements in social activities for the 1st semester of 2022-2023. at the e-mail address:

All information must be documented (scanned copies of documents are attached). 

Achievements in scientific activity

Max. markThe name of the criterionScores
AND.5Achievements in scientific activity 
1 Student Olympiads: 
  Participation in the international Olympiad5
  Prize place in the international Olympiad5
  Participation in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad3
  Prize place in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad5
  Winner of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad2
2 Scientific publications: 
  In the edition included in the scientific and metric databases5
  In the professional publication of Ukraine5
3 Participation with an individual report in scientific conferences (with publication of theses): 
  International in Ukraine3
4 Scientific competitions: 
  The winner (prize winner) of the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works5
  Participation in the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works3
  Winner of the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works3
  Victory in other scientific competitions3
  Participation in other scientific competitions2
5 Participation in the work of the student scientific society (SNT) 
  Chairman of the Institute's SNT Council3
  Deputy Chairman of the Institute's SNT Council2
  Head of the SNT Council of the faculty2

Achievements in social activities

Max. markThe name of the criterionScores
II.5Achievements in social activities 
1 Awards of Ukraine, Regional State Administration, Regional Council: 
2 Honors at the city/institute level: 
  Certificate of honor1
3 Participation in the work of student self-government: 
  Head of the Institute's Student Council5
  Deputy chairman of the Institute's Student Council4
  Head of the Student Council of the faculty / representative in the executive bodies of self-government at the regional/all-Ukrainian level  4
  Deputy head of the student council of the faculty3
  Group leader1,5
  Participation in sports life 
4 Member of the national sports team: 
  Of Ukraine5
5 Participation in official sports competitions: 
  Prize place in international competitions5
  Prize place in all-Ukrainian competitions4
  Regional, city2
  Prize place in regional competitions3
  Institute/city competitions1
6 Participation in cultural life: 
  Graduate of the All-Ukrainian competition4
  Laureate of the All-Ukrainian competition3
  Graduate of the regional/city competition1,5
  Winner of the regional/city competition1
  Participation in creative activities at the level of the Institute1
7 Participation in the work of public organizations (on a permanent basis)1
8 Participation in international grant programs2
9 Victory in grant programs5
10 Participation in international projects3
11 Victory in international projects5
12 Volunteer activity (on a permanent basis)3

Vladislav Wanda