Department of psychology: involvement of specialists in psychological counseling online

Department of psychology: involvement of specialists in psychological counseling online

 Online counseling is currently being actively formed as a new technology of psychological counseling, which determines the timeliness and importance of its scientific study at the current stage of the development of the practice of psychological assistance.

The paradox of the situation is that, on the one hand, Internet technologies contribute to the development of alienation between people, and on the other hand, they are an operational way of finding information, establishing contacts, and therefore are widely used by people suffering from loneliness for communication.

It is no secret that Internet resources are becoming more and more popular as a means of communication, rapid information transfer, presentation and implementation of professional services. Recently, a large number of various psychological communities and online psychological help sites have appeared on the Internet. Psychological help sites and portals have become popular both for consultants and for people who are simply interested in psychology, as well as for those who want to get psychological help online. Of course, the role of Internet technologies in our lives is difficult to overestimate, the role of communication via the Internet is growing every day, but we are interested in the question of the effectiveness of solving customer problems by means of Internet technologies.

For the applicants of the Department of Psychology, practitioners were invited to share their experience, as well as work technologies in the field of online counseling:

Yuliya Sydenko - candidate of psychological sciences, acting the head of the department of psychology, deep correction and rehabilitation of the Cherkasy National University named after Bohdana Khmelnytskyi, head of the psychological service of the University's Faculty of Psychology, 10 years of psychological practice in providing assistance, more than 1,000 consultations, including the last 4 years online, an active page on the Instagram social network (more than 3.5 thousand followers);

Olena Kosheva - targetologist, advertiser, marketer, launch of advertising for businesses and experts, consulting on brand promotion, more than 5 years in sales.

The following questions were discussed: where to start looking for clients, how to lead a client, how to form your own brand, stories, posts, visuals in social networks, "broadcasting expertise", interaction with the audience, techniques of self-preservation and professional self-improvement, etc.

In the future, we plan to expand the base of specialists involved in teaching academic disciplines and combine practice and theory with a qualitative emphasis on modernity.

Vladislav Wanda