Erasmus+ WARN project in action

Erasmus+ WARN project in action

On January 20, 2023, the state certification of students of the second (master's) level of higher education who studied under the educational and professional program "Secondary Education (History)" was successfully completed. Psychology" and at the same time were participants in the Erasmus+ international project "Academic Response to Hybrid Threats" Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project WARN 610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.

A feature of this year's graduation was that, for the first time, students of higher education had the opportunity to master a new course - "History and Hybrid Threats", which was developed by teachers of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History in accordance with the project's objectives. The subject of the course is aimed at highlighting the issues of defining the concept of "hybrid threats", their essence, recognition and effective countermeasures. The main part is devoted to the debunking of historical myths created by Soviet and Russian historiography. Upon completion of the course, the winners prepared individual historical and pedagogical studies, some of which contain a methodological component with an analysis of the possibilities of using the researched material in the school history course.

At the end of last year, as part of the implementation of the project, advanced training courses were also organized and held on the educational module "Ukraine in the geopolitical confrontation of the beginning of the 20th century" (author - Professor V.M. Dokashenko). 10 course participants, most of whom work in the field of education, received relevant certificates.      

Our graduates will "bring" the acquired knowledge and skills to school classrooms, teaching and other teams, which will contribute to increasing the level of resistance to hybrid threats in our society. This, in turn, allows us to talk about the successful achievement of the main goal of the project.

Vladislav Wanda