Meeting with freshmen

Meeting with freshmen

On February 16, 2023, a working online meeting of members of the student self-government, representatives of the institute's departments with the 1st-year graduates took place.

Head of the scientific work department L.V. Tkachenko told the first-year students about the directions of research work carried out at the institute's departments. It was emphasized to the students that science provides an excellent opportunity to go beyond a certain circle, present their individual abilities, develop their abilities and skills, and become successful people in life.  

The head of the SNT Council, Sofia Bambulya, presented the work of the Institute's Student Scientific Society, explained how you can get involved in its work, and also introduced the first-year students to the chatbot, which is aimed at convenient interaction of members of the student scientific community in the remote conditions of today. 

Zhurbylyuk K.O., head of the department for the organization of students' educational work, in her speech emphasized the importance of the role of student self-government in the formation of leadership qualities, outlined the directions of interaction of her department with the student body. A member of the Student Parliament, Olena Yemelyanova, emphasized the readiness to make student life richer and more interesting through joint efforts, even in conditions of remote communication.

Kateryna Zhukova spoke on behalf of the student community of the 1st year, who thanked for the interesting presentations and expressed her desire to join the active partners of student self-government for the benefit of herself and the community.

Vladislav Wanda