New meeting - new knowledge and impressions

New meeting - new knowledge and impressions

The announced meeting took place with the leading expert in the field of archeology - candidate of historical sciences S. P. Taranenko. Its participants made a kind of trip through the Kyiv Podil, got acquainted with the life and activities of the inhabitants of the ancient Grand Princely city, "walked" its streets, visited temples, etc. It was interesting for everyone: and the applicants of the OP Secondary Education (History). Psychology, who have certain theoretical knowledge of archeology, and some have already managed to visit archeological expeditions, and applicants of OP Secondary education. English and a second foreign language. The ability to clearly and unequivocally convey one's own knowledge, conclusions, and arguments on issues of archeology to specialists and non-specialists is one of the most important program outcomes of training, and our guest demonstrated virtuoso mastery of this skill.

At the meeting, there was a presentation of the author's new work on the history of the Kyiv era, which, both in terms of content and methodical "highlights", is a new format training manual.

The author handed over a set of his new works to the family of our graduate Ivan Karagodin, who died a year ago in Kharkiv region, defending his native land.

Vladislav Wanda