April 24-28, 2023 the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the DVNZ of the DDPU held the "Week of the English Language".


April 24 students and guests learned many interesting facts from the life of the great English poet and playwright William Shakespeare. Winners of the first year under the guidance of the teacher of the department V.D. Ladonina enthusiastically recited the sonnets, trying to convey all the author's feelings. Attendees took an active part in the quiz on the Kahoot! platform, so they had the opportunity to test their knowledge in practice.


April 25 a meaningful educational event about English-speaking countries was offered, organized by the head of the department O.V. Spin with the creative support of students, in particular Yu. Onyschenko and A. Koroleva. The quiz was conducted in Wordwall format; students and guests tested their knowledge of linguistic and regional studies of the English-speaking world.


April 26 associate professor of the department O.A. Yasinetska interested the participants of the meeting with educational videos and interactive tests (on the LearningApps and "Na Urok" platforms) about translation techniques, the possibility of translation compression, translation of terms, the specifics of translation cursive, and cross-language equivalents of abbreviations. The applied exercises were meaningful and useful both for participants from GIIIM and for future students among the guests of the event.


April 27 associate professor of the department O.A. Yasinetska encouraged the meeting participants to recognize the "false friends of the translator" and overcome various aspects of interference: lexical, grammatical, punctuation, as well as notice the nuances of the British and American variants of the English language and avoid mistakes in the use of each of them. Informative videos and corresponding interactive exercises (on the LearningApps and Wordwall platforms) were interesting for all participants, including former graduates who learned about the event.


April 28 associate professor of the department V.O. Andrushchenko presented the new OPP "Secondary education (English language and literature). Information and communication technologies". The participants of the meeting were interested in educational videos and examples of what students of education will be able to learn at this OPP: use and create online resources. Students K. Fedchun and A. Koroleva conducted interesting interactive tests. Teacher of the Department of English Philology and Translation A.E. Sokolova spoke about the Quizlet platform and its analogues.

We thank all participants and wish everyone peace, safety, strength, success, victories, fulfillment of dreams and all the best!

Vladislav Wanda