"Incomplete sentences" technique

"Incomplete sentences" technique

In psychological practice, a variant of the method of "unfinished sentences" by Sachs and Sidney is used more often than others. It contains 60 unfinished sentences, in which additions made by the subject are regulated and depend on the content of the beginning of the phrase. They can be divided into 15 groups of 4 sentences each, which characterize to one degree or another the system of relations of the examinee to his family, representatives of his own or the opposite sex, to his sex life, to teachers, superiors and subordinates. Some groups of sentences are related to fears and apprehensions, to the existing feeling of guilt, testify to the subject's relationship to the past and future, touch on the sphere of relationships with parents and friends, life goals.

Due to the fact that this version of the "unfinished sentences" method is used most often by practical psychologists, we present its content in full.

Instruction: Below are 60 unfinished sentences. Read each sentence and finish it by writing down the first judgment that comes to your mind. Complete the task quickly, without thinking for a long time about each phrase; if you can't finish a sentence right away, circle its number and come back to it later."

 1. I think that my father rarely...

 2. If everyone is against me, then...

 3. I always wanted to…

 4. I can see the future...

 5. If I held a managerial position...

 6. My teacher (leader, boss)...

 7. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid...

 8. I think that a true friend...

 9. When I was a child...

 10. The ideal woman (man) for me is...

 11. When I see a man next to a woman...

 12. Compared to most other families, my family…

 13. It is best for me to do (work) with...

 14. My mother and I...

 15. I would do anything to forget...

 16. If only my father wanted to...

 17. I think that I am capable enough to...

 18. I could be very happy if...

 19. If someone is under my leadership...

 20. I hope for...

 21. At school, my teachers...

 22. Most of my friends don't know that I...

 23. I don't like people who...

 24. As a child, I...

 25. I believe that most girls and boys...

 26. Family life seems to me...

 27. My family treats me like a.

28. People with whom I study (work)...

29. My mother…

30. My biggest mistake was.,,

31. I would like my father to…

 32. My biggest weakness is…

 33. My hidden desire in life...

 34. My subordinates...

 35. The day will come when...

36. When the teacher (boss) approaches me...

 37. I would like to stop...

 38. Most of all, I love those people who...

 39. If I like a girl (boy), I…

 40. I think that most girls (boys)...

 41. When I remember my childhood...

 42. Most of the families I know...

 43. I like to study (work) with people who...

 44. I believe that most mothers...

 45. When I was a child, I felt...

 46. I think that my father...

 47. When I don't have talent, I...

 48. When I ask others to do something...

 49. More than anything, I would like in life...

 50. When I'm old...

 51. People whose superiority over me I recognize...

 52. My fears have repeatedly forced me to...

 53. When I'm not there, my friends...

 54. My most unforgettable childhood memory is...

 55. I really don't like it when a woman (man)...

 56. If I am alone with a woman (man)...

 57. When I was a child, my family…

 58. People who study (work) with me...

 59. I love my mother, but...

 60. The worst thing I ever did was…

Key to the test

 Attitude towards oneself (2, 17, 32, 47)

 Fears (7, 22, 37, 52)

 Guilt (15, ZO, 45, 60)

 Sex (11, 26, 39, 56)

 Mother (14, 29, 44, 59)

 Father (1, 16, 31, 46)

 Family (12, 27, 42, 57)

 The opposite sex (10, 25, 40, 55)

 Comrades (8, 23, 38, 53)

 Colleagues (13, 28, 43, 58)

 Bosses (6, 21, 36, 51)

 Subordinates (5, 19, 34, 48)

 Past (9, 24, 41, 54)

 Future (4, 20, 35, 50)

 Goals (3, 18, 33, 49)

Evaluation of results

For each group of sentences, a characteristic is derived that characterizes a certain system of relationships as positive, negative or uninteresting for the subject. The received data are subject to qualitative and quantitative processing. It is worth emphasizing that some questions of this technique are unpleasant for the examinees, because they concern the intimate side of their lives. Therefore, the author recommends in the instructions to additionally inform the examinee that the study is being conducted for the purpose of training memory or attention.

Let's say: Relationships with family.

Compared to most other families, my family…

 bad, unfriendly, broken, too bourgeois, unhappy, etc. - 2b.

 not very pretty, nervous, not friendly, etc. - 1b.

 beautiful, friendly, normal, loving, happy - 0b.

 no worse, no better, ordinary - 0b.

 small, large, etc. - 0b.

 more intellectual, special - 0b.

Relations with friends and acquaintances.

I think that a true friend...

 myth, does not exist, will be a heavy cross, I myself - 2b.

 it is a dog, a book, etc. - 1b.

 I really need it, I won't have it soon - 1b.

 very rare, will not let you down, will always understand - 0b.

Attitude towards oneself.

If everyone is against me, then...

 I am terribly worried, I am in despair, I feel very bad - 2b.

 I am guilty, I surrender, I am a bad person - 1b.

 I'm worried, I'm worried, I'm nervous, I'm uncomfortable, etc. - 1b.

 I go, I shut myself in - 1b.

 I am against everyone - 0b.

 you need to figure it out, think, I'm not afraid of it - 0b.

Attitude towards the future.

The future seems to me...

very gloomy, sad, scary - 2b.

gray, unattractive, etc. - 2b.

light, pink, unclear, unknown, such as today - 0b.

 Then the total number of points for each group is calculated. The more points the group received, the deeper the subject's attitude to its content, and with a minus sign, the higher the personal significance of these judgments for him.

Vladislav Wanda