Access to full-text electronic resources on the Research4Life platform

Access to full-text electronic resources on the Research4Life platform

Since January 2023, Ukraine has the right to access full-text electronic resources on the Research4Life platform as a Group A country (free access). Through the Research4Life portal, access to electronic collections of books and journals of international publishing houses is provided ElsevierSpringer NatureJohn Wiley & SonsTaylor & FrancisEmeraldSage PublicationsOxford University Press, Cambridge University PressIOP Publishing and others (select the name of the country (Ukraine) and the type of institution (Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages) in the appropriate fields).

The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine acts as an administrator in ensuring access to the resource.

To obtain remote access to the Research4Life platform, you should contact the research department (

1. After registering the institution on the Research4Life portal, a confirmation letter with the institutional login and password for login was sent to the mailbox of the contact (responsible) person of the research department. This data, in accordance with the license agreement, is prohibited from being published in the public domain.

2. At the request of the user, the department of scientific work sends an institutional login and password for entering the Research4Life portal by e-mail.

After receiving a login and password, the user enters one of the portals using the link:

  • Research4Life is a single portal;
  • Hinari – research in the field of biology and medicine;
  • AGORA – research in the field of agriculture;
  • OARE - environmental research;
  • ARDI – access to scientific and technical information;
  • oGOALI – research in the field of law and social sciences.

3. After entering the Research4Life website, the user must select “LOG IN” from the drop-down list in the “ACCESS CONTENT” section (upper right corner of the screen) and enter the login and password received earlier (step 2). If the login is made through the portals Hinari, AGORA, OARE, ARDI, GOALI, the user must click on the silhouette button (in the upper right corner of the screen) and enter the login and password received earlier (step 2).

Vladislav Wanda