Cooperation of GIIIM with stakeholders at the beginning of the new 2023-2024 academic year

Cooperation of GIIIM with stakeholders at the beginning of the new 2023-2024 academic year

Ensuring the quality of distance learning in wartime conditions is a task that unites the teachers of the GIIIM and school teachers. Within the framework of cooperation with the teaching staff of the general secondary education institution No. 22 named after M.M. Krupchenko (Kramatorsk) On August 29, 2023, a joint online event organized by the institute took place, in which representatives of the groups providing educational programs, which train students of the first (bachelor) and second (master) levels of higher education at the Faculty of Social and Linguistics, took part of communications of the GIIIM.

The leader of the workshop "Challenges of distance learning: resources of interaction with the student", the head of the psychology department of the FSMC of the GIIIM, Tetyana Borozentseva, offered for a general discussion in the pedagogical circle the topical topics of motivating students to study, using methods of psychological support for students, determining ways of cooperation with parents and mastering psychotechnologies of preservation by teachers own internal resources.

We sincerely thank all colleagues for their cooperation, we believe that each such meeting is useful for sharing psychological and pedagogical experience and helps to improve the quality of the educational process, the mental health of its participants, and pedagogical communication.

Vladislav Wanda