A joint event of the Department of Psychology of the State Institute of Medical Sciences and ZZSO No. 22 named after M.M. Krupchenko (Kramatorsk) on the occasion of the International Day of Peace

A joint event of the Department of Psychology of the State Institute of Medical Sciences and ZZSO No. 22 named after M.M. Krupchenko (Kramatorsk) on the occasion of the International Day of Peace

On September 21, 2023, on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, an online meeting of teachers and students of the Department of Psychology of the GIIIM and the student body of the general secondary education institution No. 22 named after M.M. Krupchenko (Kramatorsk). The event discussed questions about our joint responsibility in maintaining peace on Earth, about the importance of peace as the most valuable gift, which are extremely relevant in the conditions of full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine. The task of organizing relevant events in grades 6-11 was discussed with school leaders.

From the department of psychology, the head of the department Tetyana Valeriivna Borozentseva and students of the city were invited to the event. 305a Danylo Reshetov and Alisa Fedina (educational program "Practical Psychology") and career guidance specialist Margarita Viktorivna Serebryanska. Developing the theme of the event, they discussed important issues about preserving people's mental health in wartime, taking care of their own positive emotions, planning for the future - in contrast to the tragedies and losses of the present. The participants of the event together created the Dove of Peace, which is the main symbol of the International Day of Peace.

The result of the meeting was an invitation to the students-psychologists of GIIIM to cooperate with the leaders of the student body of the Kramatorsk School No. 22 named after M.M. Krupchenko on a permanent basis. The event allowed psychology students to apply their professional knowledge in practice and expanded the circle of potential applicants to our institute.

Vladislav Wanda