The Week of Psychology at GIIIM has begun

The Week of Psychology at GIIIM has begun

On the World Mental Health Day, October 10, 2023, the Week of Psychology began at GIIIM. The Psychological Support Center at the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication organized two interesting events.

Master class "Overcoming fear and anxiety with the help of neurographics" under the leadership of associate professor of the Department of Psychology O.G. Razumova conducted the 4th year exams of Stefania Kalinichenko, Iryna Trenbach, Halka Maria (OP Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature). Psychology) and Yuliana Volkova (OP Secondary Education (English Language and Literature). Psychology). The future psychologists introduced the guests to the modern technique of art therapy - neurography. Together with the presenters, the participants had the opportunity to perform an interesting exercise that helped overcome fears and anxiety. As a result of the execution, interesting and unusual drawings were created, in which everyone was able to see certain symbols and resources.

At the webinar "How self-esteem changes under the influence of stressful circumstances", the head of the department of psychology T.V. Borozentseva, there was a discussion about the conditions for the formation of self-esteem and its role in overcoming the effects of stress factors.

The events of the first day of the Week of Psychology were attended by more than a hundred participants: applicants and teachers of our institute and partner universities of GIIM, representatives of administrations of institutions of general secondary education, high school students, graduates of GIIM with psychological specialties. In an atmosphere of open communication and interaction, everyone found something useful and necessary for him at this stage of life: new ideas, positive emotions and inspiration for cooperation, creativity, and learning.

Vladislav Wanda