Involvement of practitioners in the educational process

Involvement of practitioners in the educational process

Representatives of groups providing educational programs of psychological specialties of the State Institute of Medical Sciences are working on strengthening the practical training of future applicants. For this purpose, the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication organized two educational sessions from practitioners working as crisis psychologists in life-threatening conditions within the framework of the Week of Psychology on October 12, 2023.

During the first meeting on the topic "Peculiarities of the work of a military psychologist" captain Mykolenko Volodymyr Vadimovych, the officer of the department of moral and psychological support (in the direction of psychological work) of a separate brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces told the participants of the event about the positions that a psychologist can hold in the army, the problems of adaptation to service, the main reasons that provoke stressful situations among soldiers, as well as about methods of psychological decompression of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The second meeting was devoted to the problems of the psychologist's work in penal institutions. Dimitriy Valeriyovych Rus-Sokol, the leading psychologist of the Department of Social, Educational and Psychological Work of the Penitentiary Service (Dnipro), talking about his work with convicts, focused the audience's attention on the difficulties and positive experience of a psychologist's work in a colony, introduced the main problems in providing psychological assistance those who are serving a sentence and their own methods of solving them.

The held meetings vividly and meaningfully supplemented the educational material of the educational components of the bachelor's level ("Fundamentals of social psychology and sociology", "Practical course on psychological assistance") and the master's level ("Personality in crisis conditions: psychotechnologies of personal changes", "Military psychology").

Vladislav Wanda