Completion of the Week of Psychology at GIIIM

Completion of the Week of Psychology at GIIIM

On October 13, 2023, the final event was held within the Psychology Week, which was held by the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication on the occasion of World Mental Health Day. Workshop "Profession. Career. Success" was conducted by associate professor of the Department of Psychology N.G. Koshelev. The event brought together bachelor's and master's degree holders interested in a successful professional future.

During the workshop, in an interactive format, issues related to the students' own vision of their professional future, the essence and main types of careers of modern specialists were discussed. The participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the step-by-step career building technology and learn how to make career plans, and received a number of practical tools that can be used to implement successful career decisions.

The active work of the students during the workshop confirms the relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic. The event was held in a positive working atmosphere. Thank you to the participants of the meeting for productive cooperation!

Vladislav Wanda