Today, October 29, 2023, the team of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University" sincerely congratulates VIKTOR MYKOLAYOVYCH DOKASHENK, Professor of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, on his anniversary.

Thirty-three years together with the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages! For human life, this is already solid, for professional life - it deserves respect, because together with the team, both happy and difficult periods of the institute's history have been passed.

Viktor Mykolayovych started working at our institute in 1990 as an associate professor of the Department of Political History. Then there were the positions of dean of the faculty of foreign and Ukrainian languages, professor of the department of domestic and foreign history. In 2001, he was elected rector of the institute.

Scientific work has always been an important component of the life of Prof. Dokashenka V. M. Monographs, articles in scientometric and professional publications, magazines and collective collections of foreign and domestic higher education institutions, performing the duties of editor-in-chief of the collection of scientific works "Edges of History", scientific director of departmental topics, participation in the Erasmus+ project... The list is endless go on and on. And it is also important to mention the work with the acquirers, because under the leadership of prof. V. M. Dokashenka has held many defenses of dissertations by post-graduate historians.

Another significant achievement this fall was the accreditation of the History and Archeology educational and scientific program of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education. The guarantor of this program was Viktor Mykolayovych Dokashenko.

You can always be happy for people whose hobbies are intertwined with work. In this regard, the celebrant is a happy person! His passion for photography and his search for historical and cultural monuments of Ukraine gave many people the opportunity to see the exhibition "Known and Unknown Ukraine".

We believe that Viktor Mykolayovych Dokashenka still has many plans and will have enough strength and inspiration to implement them. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish him health, joy, realization of plans and projects, family warmth, support of friends and, of course, peace!

Vladislav Wanda