Psychological-pedagogical landing of the GIIM: training through practice

Psychological-pedagogical landing of the GIIM: training through practice

The active cooperation of the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages with the Kramatorsk School No. 22 named after M.M. Krupchenko

The school administration invited teachers and students of GIIIM to help solve an interesting task. In order to create a favorable learning atmosphere in the 10th grades, which included children from different schools in Kramatorsk, we were asked to help activate friendly informal relationships in the classroom, to get the students acquainted with each other more quickly.

 Future pedagogues and psychologists of GIIIM of various educational programs - 3rd-year students Alisa Fedina and Danylo Reshetov, Myroslava Marchevska and Yulia Ponurovska - together with associate professor of the Department of Psychology T.V. On October 28, Borozentseva held team building training (more precisely, its first stage) for students of the medical class.

It was not easy to "warm up" the students at the beginning of the training in the presence of teachers. At the end of the 2-hour meeting, it became clear that the students "were afraid to talk to such adult students" (19-20 years old!!!), which are actually "turned out to be cute, witty and sociable". The children even asked the students not to leave the telegram chat of the class, at least until the next meeting, and promised to join the project of the Center for Psychological Support of the GIIIM: to come to the friendly bonfire of "Warm Wednesdays".

 That is, our psychological and pedagogical team managed to establish contact with the audience, motivate students to interact, create a friendly atmosphere of mutual recognition and positive communication in the classroom.

From the correspondence of high school students:

 – But this was not a lesson 🙂 , just training.

- It doesn't matter what to call it, but it was cool!..

- There would be such meetings every day...

Our students receive invaluable practical experience during their studies: practice, inspiration and motivation to work from the first positive professional results. Keep it up!

Vladislav Wanda